2 Grilled Chicken Ravioli au Gratin with Bacon

Friday, August 12, 2011

Okay.  YUM.  I was so, so excited to try this last ravioli idea out.  The method is like a traditional gratin, but using this delicious grilled chicken & herb ravioli (again, compliments of Pasta Prima.)


1 package of Grilled Chicken & Mozzarella Ravioli , uncooked
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
1 cup heavy cream
4-5 strips of cooked and chopped crispy bacon
salt & pepper
soft butter


Preheat oven to 350 F.  Butter an oven and stove top-safe au gratin or baking dish.

Next, layer the ravioli pieces evenly in the bottom of the dish, and sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper and sea salt.

Sprinkle chopped bacon on top of the ravioli.

Spread shredded Swiss on top of the bacon.

Repeat with additional ravioli, if desired, topping with more salt, pepper, bacon and cheese.  After topping with the last bit of cheese, slowly add the cream over the top.  You may or may not need the whole cup, just so it comes about halfway up the dish.

Set the entire dish over a medium-low flame on the stove, and bring to just barely a bubble.  As soon as you see that, take it off and pop it in the hot oven.

Bake for about 35-45 minutes or until the top is golden brown and bubbling gently.  If it bubbles more than gently, turn down the heat so that the sauce doesn't break.


Creamy, cheesy yumminess!  Serve and top with a bit of parsley or thyme on top.  The melted Swiss top is crunchy and amazing just by itself.  I'd love to try this method out with other ravioli fillings too, like spinach.  Easy and delicious, comfort food at its finest.

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Unknown said...
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Tamyca said...

Mmmmm che delizia! Viene voglia di assaggiare!!!

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