99 *CLOSED* $45 CSN Stores Giveaway!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

****** This giveaway is now CLOSED ******

It's that time again, another CSN Stores giveaway!  They are generously sponsoring a $45 gift certificate and one lucky Bentobloggy reader will win it! 

You can find just about anything on CSN's 200+ online stores featuring a huge variety of home goods such as bistro sets, cookware, baby and pet products, even furniture. With all those options, you're bound to find something wonderful!

Need a free standing kitchen island with plenty of storage?

How about a tabletop convection oven at Cookware.com (my favorite kitchen appliance hands-down)
Is someone having a baby?  How about something for the wee one from CSN's baby and kids store?
Whatever you're looking for, CSN Stores has it!


Mandatory Entry: You must be a follower and/or subscriber of my blog to enter this giveaway. See all those cool people in the upper left hand side under the title "followers"? You want to be one of them. So click the little follow button, leave a comment telling me that you follow my blog, and you're automatically entered.  Tell me in your comment what you'd buy with the $45 gift certificate!

Want to increase your chances of winning?

Blog about this giveaway. Leave a comment indicating that you've done so and post the link in a comment for me to see!
Follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter  Click to go to my Facebook page or Twitter.  Leave a comment in this post telling me that you "Like" and/or follow Bentobloggy. If you already follow Bentobloggy on Facebook/Twitter, just leave a comment letting me know. 
Tweet about this giveaway. Leave another comment telling me you tweeted it with a link back to your Twitter post.
Add a link to Bentobloggy to your blog roll.  Leave one last comment with the verifiable link, and if you already have Bentobloggy on your blog, just leave a comment saying so!

(6) ways to enter, and (6) ways to win. Remember to leave a seperate comment for every entry you do. Otherwise, your entries won't be valid.  Open to  U.S. and Canadian addresses only (international shipping charges may apply to Canada.)

You have until Sunday, September19th, by 11:59 PM EST time to enter.

The winner will be chosen at random and announced the following day, and the winner has 48 hours to claim their prizes - I reserve the right to choose a new winner after that. 

****** This giveaway is now CLOSED ******
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Unknown said...

Hello! I follow and I'd like to be entered!

Unknown said...

I also follow your tweets and would like an entry for that! :)

Karla said...

I follow on gfc and would love to get some earrings for my daughters
karlatrx AT gmail DOT com

Renee said...

I foolow by GFC. I would love to get some more everyday plates.

Karla said...

I like you on facebook

karlatrx AT gmail DOT com

Karla said...

I follow on twitter - karlatrx
karlatrx AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

i follow ur blog! lol lov ur stuff Em

Giant Sis said...

I follow on GFC! I would like to put the GC towards Hillsdale Tiburon Pub Table Set - 4917-845!

PinkJamie said...

I follower you here and I like you on Facebook!

Mindful Mama said...

I follow this blog. . .I'd love to get an extra set of children's chairs for my girls' table and chair set. . .

Unknown said...

I follow your blog and would be happy with anything from their site! I'm getting ready to move and am sure they have more than a couple things that I need!

Unknown said...

I also follow you on twitter

Gretchen said...

I follow your blog.

akrodgers said...

Hello! I follow your blog! I don't know what I'd buy though. I'd have to browse a bit first.

meeyeehere said...

I follow you and I would buy a tea kettle.
Um.has anyone ever told you you look exactly like Tiffany Amber thessan??I think I spelled the last name wrong.You must hear that every day,huh?? It's remarkable at least buy that picture the resemblance is just striking.I think thats a good compliment because she was a model and actress and every one thought she was beautiful.

meeyeehere said...

I follow you on twitter@meeyeehere

Emily Adamson said...

I'm a loyal follower and if I win I'll buy salt pig ... a little luxury I've always wanted! Thanks for doing a cool giveaway.

belgd said...

Follow this blog via GFC. belgd at live dot com

belgd said...

I "like" you on facebook. belgd at live dot com

belgd said...

I tweeted.

Jennifer Mathis said...

I'm a follower and they have these amazing water fountains that i would love to get


Raising Baby Bee said...

I follow your blog and love getting ideas for the kiddo's lunches! Thank you for a great give away!

Amanda said...

I would love to enter (I follow) - I would buy some more storage bins for my room!

Blended said...

funny enough I need a convention oven! lol

TerriG said...

I follow.

Emily Keaton said...

I'm a follower!!

What would I do with the $45 gift certificate? Probably get myself a photography light box!!

Dtracycar said...

I'm a devoted follower and if I won I would buy some organizational items for my kitchen!

Jaime said...

I follow! =)

The Green MomSter said...

I'm gfc follower Lindsie and I would get Christmas presents

Jen said...

I found your blog through Another Lunch. Bento is new to me so I'm always looking for ideas. Just became a follower so I can keep up! Looks like I found you at the perfect time!

Sabra said...

Hi I'm a follower!

Sabra said...

I blogged about this contest :)


Sabra said...

I also "liked" your facebook page :)

Sabra said...


aaand I also tweeted about you :)

Sabra said...

I also followed your twitter :D
I feel so accomplished.

LAURA1877 said...

I am a GFC follower and I would love to get an Adironack Chair from them! Thanks


LAURA1877 said...

Like you on FB


LAURA1877 said...


stacief said...

I follow your blog...and would buy a foodsaver!

stacief said...

I fanned or liked (not sure which it was) you on facebook!

the Solomon Marcy Family said...

I am a new follower--I'm not sure what I'd get--maybe a new diaper bag or a booster seat (or maybe storage for myself). So many possibilities. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

the Solomon Marcy Family said...

I'm also a Facebook follower. Thanks!

Karla said...

tweeted - http://twitter.com/karlatrx/status/24165713823

Cassie said...

Hi! I follow your wonderful blog! <3

Jen said...

I follow with gfc. I think I'd use it towards a new mixer. mine is dying

Jen said...

already following on twitter @n4zfk

Jen said...


ElennaLouise said...

Thanks much for the contest! I follow you on GFC now - ElennaLouise
AND I would buy the GamaSonic Atmosphere Color Changing Bowl
elenna @ sbcglobal.net

ElennaLouise said...

I blogged about this contest here
elenna @ sbcglobal.net

ElennaLouise said...

I follow you on Twitter as ElennaLouise
digicat @ sbcglobal.net

ElennaLouise said...

I tweeted
elenna @ sbcglobal.net

slushygirl said...

I am, of course, a follower of your fabulous blog. And should I be so fortunate as to win, I would purchase a food processor! We don't have one. :(

slushygirl said...

I already follow you on twitter.

slushygirl said...

I already like you on facebook.

slushygirl said...

Bentobloggy is already on my blog roll. http://slushygirl.blogspot.com/

slushygirl said...

I tweeted about your giveaway too...username VintageRagz!

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

I follow your blog and it would probably go towards a book shelf I really need one.


Two Flights Down said...

I'm a follower and loving it!

Wardah said...

I is a follower!

Wardah said...

I also have you in my blog roll!


Wardah said...

I also "like" you on Facebook!

Wardah said...

I also blogged about this giveaway!

Btw, I would love to buy a present for my mother with the gift card.

SalemMomma said...

I follow your blog! I would get some organization stuff, my house is so messy!

jasjawillis said...

i am a follower and i want to be entered in your giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

I definitely follow you! I love the inspiration you give me in packing my hubbbie's trash free lunches!

Anonymous said...

and i follow you on facebook too now :)

Holly said...

I am a follower.....enjoy, very much, your blog.....I would purchase a food processor....Had one about 20 years ago but it's been long gone....Thanks for the chance!!

Leslie said...

I'm new to your blog, and I really enjoy it. New to bento, my little one just started Montessori preschool. I'm having such fun learning to pack her such nice lunches - still working on cute.

Thank you for hosting the contest. If I were to win, I would like a new rice cooker.

Thanks again for your lovely blog!

Meredith said...

I'm a new follower and I have no idea what I'd get but it would be a treat just for me!

Meredith said...

I like you on Facebook too!

Kim Rahn said...

I am a new Bentobloggy follower! Can't wait to try some of your recipes.

Kim Rahn said...

I am also a fan on FB now! Alisha Robertson told me about you!

Kim Rahn said...

I added you to my blog roll...over to the right under the tab "finish line" - kimrahn.blogspot.com

Linda said...

I'm a follower :)cokelush
and I'd buy some bento stuff - I'm always trying to find new ways to get my granddaughter to eat. lol.
cokelush at gmail

Linda said...

Following you on fb. Robin Phillips-Knotts is my id.
cokelush at gmail

Linda said...

Following you on twitter. cokelush is my id.
cokelush at gmail

Linda said...

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/cokelush/status/24722089560
cokelush at gmail

Henria O. said...

I'm a follower! I'd buy a diaper bag! They have some nice ones by Skip Hop!
sazzyfrazz at gmaild ot com

Henria O. said...

Following you via FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmaild ot com

Henria O. said...

Following you via Twitter (@sazzyfrazzy)!
sazzyfrazz at gmaild ot com

Becca said...

I follow your blog and i need a kitchen island i have such limited counter space

susitravl said...

Follow your blog via GFC
I like the Bay Flip Flop in Flyn Brown by Franco Sarto.

2boysblue said...

Hi! I am one of those cool folks following your blog and on twitter @2boysblue

Unknown said...

I follow your blog!

Unknown said...

I "like" you on Facebook

Unknown said...

I "like" you on Facebook

Becca said...

I like you on Facebook too!

TerriG said...

I'd love to get some bento tools.

TerriG said...

I follow your awesome blog.

TerriG said...

I follow your tweets. accidentallyhs

TerriG said...

I am tweeting this even though I want to be the winner. accidentallyhs

Rachel Mc. said...

i <3 bento on FB!

Lexiquin said...

Following GFC.
I looked at CSN trying to figure out what I'd buy...I've narrowed it down to either a single-cup coffee brewer or something for my grandson. There's lots to choose from!

Lexiquin said...

I "Like" Bentobloggy on Facebook

Lexiquin said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/lexiquin/status/24989922051

lmurley2000 said...

follow on GFC

i would love to have the hamilton beach mixer


lmurley2000 said...

like on facebook-lmurley2000


lmurley2000 said...




Emily @ Bentobloggy.com said...

****** This giveaway is now CLOSED ******

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