1 Goodies for Readers

Lunch Punch Match & Munch Giveaway - ends 10/15/13 (click the image below)

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1 comment:

Pam said...


I read about your blog in a Publix magazine. I picked up the magazine as it touted recipes that younger children would love. My boyfriend has two daughters, the first of whom I met last summer. We got along really well, however, I was a bit disappointed that a lot of the things I made she turned her nose up at. I found this surprising, as when I was ten years old, I liked everything. To this day my motto is still "If it's food I like it", lol. I thought I was the norm when it came to my culinary taste, but having no children myself - oh! huge point I meant to mention early on; I take it for granted and think everyone likes everything when it comes to food.

Your blog is wonderful! I will have the pleasure of enjoying both of my boyfriend's daughters next summer and want to feel better prepared on what to cook in the hopes that they'll both like it. The ten year old could live off macaroni & cheese and dried spaghetti ~ yes, she'd go in the pantry and start eating dried spaghetti noodles.

I liked the bead coasters, too. I would love to see more ideas on neat, non-messy crafts that would be fun, inexpensive and appropriate for a ten and 13 year old.

Great work, love your blog! Thank you! :-)

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