5 Citrus-Maple Baked Pears

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kinda early in the season for baked pears, right?  Well, those of you in colder climes might enjoy this little comfort until the green shoots of spring decide to poke their bonny tips through the frost.  

I got this idea from my Thai cooking class with Chef John Wilson a few weeks ago, and I've tweaked it a little here.  The recipe couldn't be simpler, there really is no measuring involved so you can't go wrong.

You'll need:

Firm baking pears (like Bosc)
chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts
chopped dried fruit like cranberries, figs or dates
orange juice
maple syrup or honey

Preheat oven to 350F.

First, scoop out the cores with a melon baller or spoon.  Arrange the cored pears in a baking dish sprayed with a little cooking spray.  Then add the tiniest sprinkling of salt over the pears.  It helps bring out the flavor. 

Put an equal amount of nuts and fruit in the hollowed out cores, and then drizzle into the cavity equal parts maple syrup and orange juice.  What I have pictured here is way, way more than you will actually need.

Make sure it stays in the hollow, otherwise it will burn in the pan.  I know this, because I tried poaching them in orange juice.  Let's just say it doesn't work too well, and your elbows will be hurting from all the scrubbing you'll have to do afterwards.

Bake for about 45 minutes, or until the center can be easily pierced with a fork.

Serve with some delicious vanilla bean ice cream!

Citrus-Maple Baked Pears

You'll need:

Firm baking pears (like Bosc)
chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts
chopped dried fruit like cranberries, figs or dates
orange juice
maple syrup or honey

-Preheat oven to 350F.
-First, scoop out the cores with a melon baller or spoon.  
-Arrange the cored pears in a baking dish sprayed with a little cooking spray.  
-Then add the tiniest sprinkling of salt over the pears.  It helps bring out the flavor.  
-Put an equal amount of nuts and fruit in the hollowed out cores, and then drizzle into the cavity equal parts maple syrup and orange juice.  Make sure it stays in the hollow, otherwise it will burn in the pan.  
-Bake for about 45 minutes, or until the center can be easily pierced with a fork.

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KerrieLynn, The Mix Gal said...

I am going to have to make these now!

I'm glad I found you through the Mid Week Mingle Blog Hop!

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oregonjewelry said...

Those look soooo yummy.

Greenacremama said...

Happy Wednesday! They look yummmmmy : )I am a new follower from the blog hop and I look forward to following your blog!...Hope u can come by for a visit! http://adventuresatgreenacre.blogspot.com

Design It Chic said...

These look so yummy!!! Will definitely try them out. Thanks for the idea! I am now following you thanks to Mid Week Mingle Blog Hop and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
And don't forget to check our new Blog Tutorial going on today. It's very easy and it would look amazing on your blog:) See you there!
Happy Thursday

Anonymous said...

This is a fun alternative to baked apples

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