3 Bento #164 - Gyoza & Carrot Nest

Monday, February 14, 2011

Today E asked me for carrots in her lunch, so I thought I'd switch it up from the usual sticks and instead shred long peels from one of the organic carrots I got in my farmer's market basket.  Aww, two bunnies in a little nest of shredded carrot, what could be sweeter?  The neat design in the cucumber is actually 100% natural.  When I was slicing them I found that it already had this pretty pattern inside.  So where's the fruit?  The center I did this morning with the kids was gluten-free fruit and yogurt parfaits, so she had a good dose before lunch.

Bento #164 - Pan steamed gyoza, ponzu sauce, organic carrot, organic cucumber & ranch dip.


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Krisztina Clifton said...

Congratulations for the about.com nomination! Just voted for you!

tinyskillet said...

I love the carrot nest. The bunnies fit in there so cute. I am going to use this idea. I have one of those vegetable peelers that can julianne too.

Anonymous said...

I love the carrot nest. I want that Hello Kitty bento soooo much!!!

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