11 Rainbow Leaf Chips

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If you think that this picture is of a prop from Swamp Beast, you would be mistaken (a little?)  Nope, these are leaf chips, and you can make them from just about any hardy leafy veg.  I happened to have a bunch of organic rainbow chard from my CSA, and I wondered what I was going to do with it.  Let's face it - it's sort of a hard sell.  I mean sure, it's got that enticing "rainbow" right in the name, but it doesn't fool anyone for long, especially not discerning 30-something 5 year olds.  These leaf chips are crispy, salty and most importantly yummy.  Not only that, but chard packs a powerful vitamin K punch.

You'll need:

Bunch of hardy leafy greens like chard, kale or even spinach
olive oil
sea salt
cracked pepper
Parmesan cheese (opt)

Preheat the oven to 300 F.  Thoroughly wash the leaves (watch out for the sand) and pat dry with paper towels.  

Remove tough stems and tear (if needed) into large pieces and arrange on a non-stick baking sheet spritzed with a little bit of cooking spray or olive oil.

Next, lightly spritz or drizzle olive oil on the leaves.  Cover with sprinklings of fresh cracked sea salt and pepper, and cheese, if using.

Bake for about 20 minutes until crispy

and then devour.  

The chard becomes super crispy and about shatters when you take a bite.  It's got a bitter note which I really enjoy, and the saltiness which counterbalances it.  I'm dying to try this with the big bag of fresh spinach I have in the fridge.  They're ridiculously quick and easy to make, give them a try!

You'll need:

Bunch of hardy leafy greens like chard, kale or even spinach
olive oil
sea salt
cracked pepper
Parmesan cheese (opt)

-Preheat the oven to 300 F.  Thoroughly wash the leaves (watch out for the sand) and pat dry with paper towels.  Remove tough stems and tear (if needed) into large pieces and arrange on a non-stick baking sheet spritzed with a little bit of cooking spray or olive oil.
-Next, lightly spritz or drizzle olive oil on the leaves.  Cover with sprinklings of fresh cracked sea salt and pepper, and cheese, if using.
-Bake for about 20 minutes until crispy, and then devour.  

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D' Mommy said...

I tried this with Kale which I love, but I think we have ate too much kale lately :P , so this one will be a great alternative thanks for sharing, uhh let of know how it turns out with spinach ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Em!
These indeed are yummy. My friend Yvy taught me how to do these with beet green and stems. But we haven't tried parmesan on them - I shall do that!

Fabienne said...

I've tried this with Organic Baby Spinach from Trader Joe's and they were awesome - I'm hooked. Just got some Kale yesterday and will try those soon.

Unknown said...

Did the 5 year old like it as much as you did?

Jessa said...

I have heard of crunchy kale, but never chard! Will have to try this. Yum.

tinyskillet said...

I've tried this with kale too and loved it. Now I am getting all sorts of ideas, swiss chard, spinach...it's endless! It's great because you can only eat so much plain greens!

Emily @ Bentobloggy.com said...

@Dina - She did eat a couple, but her young taste buds are more sensitive to bitter, which was her chief objection, but loved the spinach ones I made this afternoon! They came out just as nicely.

BrendaC said...

Thanks for the great idea, will have to give it a try, I am your newest follower from Welcome Wednesday. Drop by and check out my blog at kittycrochettwo.blogspot.com when you have a chance. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Looks great, Emily! I look forward to trying this one! A great Spring food option!

I linked to you from my blog today, you've been such an inspiration! Hope you don't mind! You can view it here.


Emily @ Bentobloggy.com said...

Thank you, C! What a huge compliment!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea for chard! It can be a bit bitter, and it reminds me of the earthy taste of mushrooms sometimes, lol. I am trying this recipe out

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