5 Bento #168 - Hello Kitty Egg & Pears

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm getting better at making these egg molds!  This one came out pretty well.  I had to crumple a bunch of plastic wrap in the bottom because the mold is so big.  That way the egg would be elevated enough to take all the impressions at the top.  Still a little messy, but Miss E thought it was fabulous.  She said it was too cute to eat (though eat she did, including the yolk which is a big deal!)

Bento #168 - Hard boiled egg, steamed organic broccoli and sliced organic pear.

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Anonymous said...

This is sooo cute! What did you use to make Hello Kitty's face?

Emily @ Bentobloggy.com said...

Thanks! It's the Hello Kitty egg mold, and then with a pair of tweezers I placed little flat round sprinkles for the eyes, nose and bow.

IwantSweetTea said...

I luv the bentos that u make they r very intricate and very cute. your inspiring lunches have made me make some of my own, with whatever I have in my kitchen. :D Do u know where I can buy a hello kitty mold? thanks in advance.

Emily @ Bentobloggy.com said...

@animegirl101 - it came from AllThingsForSale, http://www.allthingsforsale.com/?aff=bentobloggy

Fennie said...

Ohh i love to see the cute little Hello Kitty's egg!! I think my gal would love it. I'm first timer and I gotta know you from Cooking Gallery and am following u. Please follow me too at www.lovelybento.blogspot.com. Nice to know you :)

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