6 Bento #165 - Four Cheese Heart Ravioli

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

These are the cutest four cheese ravioli's ever!  If you follow my Facebook page, I posted the other day that I found these adorable hearts at Costco.  Miss E thought they tasted amazing, even plain without extra sauce.  I cooked them using my "dumpling method" which is so much less time-consuming than boiling a huge vat of water and then babysitting them so they don't burst open.  Instead of crisping them, I used a bit extra water and simmered over medium heat, and they turn out wonderfully, very tender.  I cooked them with a little butter, which combined with the starches in the pan makes a nice and simple sauce.  

Bento #165 - Four cheese heart ravioli, fresh blueberries, organic baby carrots and ranch dip.  

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xNTA said...

Genius as always!

Have a great one! x http://xnta.blogspot.com/
p.s. Check out my Giveaway!

tinyskillet said...

I love those heart shaped raviolis! I wish we had a Costco near us, I've seen some good things coming from there!

Emily @ Bentobloggy.com said...

They are so cute (and yummy!) I was back at Costco today, and they were all sold out. I'm glad I snapped them up when they had them :)

Bridget said...

Stopping by to return the follow luv.
Guide to Smart Shopping

Anonymous said...

OMG you just converted me......I never liked ravioli......for some weird reason....but who can resist these!!!!

Your lil one is a lucky lil one. :)


Tashrin - Personal style & inspiration blog from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Those ravioli are super neato ^_^! Trying to speak like people in the 50s or 60s, lol for vintage month on my blog. You make me want to make some heart shaped dumplings

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