9 Korean Barbecue and Asian Noodles

Thursday, January 20, 2011

We took a field trip Monday to Super H Mart (I say field trip because it's about a 40 minute drive for us.)  How I'm awed by that place!  In fact, it was exactly one year to the day that I first discovered it.

In the fresh meat department I found fresh packed containers of marinated meats - chicken, beef, pork belly, etc..  There weren't any ingredients on the labels, but I took a chance on the chicken and the beef ribeye, hoping that they weren't too spicy.  I also got fresh heads of garlic, baby bok choy and some fresh pan fried noodles.  I also had veggies left from my produce basket for the week - some yellow squash, green scallions and sliced carrots, all of which I included in the stir fry.

I chose to use the ribeye for ease and speed of preparation because the slices were paper thin.  I wish I knew exactly what was in it, because it was delicious.  It definitely had sesame oil, sugar, garlic, soy sauce.  Hmm, sounds like Korean barbecue!

Here we have the prepared veggies - carrots, yellow squash, 5 or so scallions and 2 cloves of garlic.

I heated a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil in my wok (one that my mother brought me years ago on a trip to Japan...as you can see by the patina, it's been well-used) and threw in the squash and carrots, with a sprinkling of salt.

Next, over high heat I added the beef, a little at a time so that it didn't bring down the temperature of the pan too much, as well as half the scallions and all the garlic.  

When all the beef browned, I added the rest of the beef and the marinating liquid and cooked it until the sauce boiled.  Then I added some noodles to the sauce, and tossed through, cooking for about 3 minutes.

At the very end I threw in the baby bok choy.  They are very tender and only take moments to wilt, so it's the best time to add it.

Toss well with some cracked black pepper.

Top each bowl with a sprinkling of the reserved chopped scallions.

And have two bowls!  I was expecting leftovers, but the entire amount I made vanished during one sitting.  Even my noodle-hating husband had two servings!

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xNTA said...

wow. I've got to try this now! I'm going to figure out how to favourite this post some how lol.

Have a great one! x NTA @ blogspot.com

Carissa said...

We just moved back to the States from there and I love love love reading about the stores, etc. It takes me back. :) It doesn't hurt that this recipe look fantastic!

D' Mommy said...

omg this looks yummy

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I cook many Japanese recipes, and you have inspired me to try some Korean recipes ^_^

Jenni Price said...

This looks like a delicious meal! I've never cooked with bok choy before so it was interesting to see how you used it.

Two Flights Down said...

Yum. I love Korean bbq. When my husband and I were living in Japan, we became addicted to Korean restaurants. Eventually we made it to Korea to try the real deal. Love it. I must bookmark this...

Stephanie said...

Yummy! I have died & gone to heaven (o:

I have an aweseome give-away on my blog right now that some of your readers might be interested in. A free year of meal planning with Fresh 20. Please go check it out http://lifeassupermom.blogspot.com/2011/01/fresh-20-give-away.html

I am also a follower now. Excited about trying this out & seeing what else you have.

Thank you!

Emily @ Bentobloggy.com said...

Thanks! Yes, I highly recommend this recipe - it's sooo good!

maks said...

thanks for your work

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