8 Bento #252 - Mom's Day Off Bento & Blog Hop

Monday, May 14, 2012

Today's bento lunch was packed by none other than Miss E and her daddy!  I didn't give them any guidance, they could just pack whatever they wanted. And here it is - a PB&J lunch and some yummy, unusual (for me, anyway) extras.

Bento #252 - Organic PB&J sandwich on wheat, Cheetos, organic carrots & dip and organic Gala apple.  Snack - Apple crusher and crackers.

And as I mentioned in the post title, it's a blog hop!  Click here to see what my bento-making mama friends are doing for Mom's Day Off, starting with Marie at Healthy Eating Starts at Home!

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Crystal said...

I love that Daddy helped. So sweet!

OhMarieOH said...

Great job, daddy! It's really awesome that mom could get help on her special day. Healthy lunches well done. Happy mother's day, Emily!

Anonymous said...

They did a great job!

Candy Girl said...

How lovely that Ella & her Daddy made it together!

Corey @ Family Fresh Meals said...

I love the Daddy daughter teamwork!

Ludicrous Mama said...

At that age it tastes better when you got to help make it... at my age, it tastes better is someone else made it!

Keitha said...

They did a great job. Nice for Dad to help out.

karen said...

Way to go, Daddy & Miss E! Looks like they had fun doing it together :)

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