0 Cabinet Surprises

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last night I went to make a big batch of pesto with the huge bunches of basil I picked up for the grand total of $3 at H Mart the other day.  I tried making it in our pathetic blender, but it was not working well at all, so I went snooping in my cavernous corner appliance cabinet to find my small food processor, and in so doing came across my long-lost big food processor!  I'd forgotten I had one!  I was so overcome by excitement that I only briefly glanced at the unknown cast iron skillet that was hidden underneath.

After I made my pesto, I went back into the cabinet to pull out the skillet.  It felt heavy and it was a dark brown color.  In fact, it looked really familiar...I flipped it over and I discovered that it was actually a vintage chestnut Le Creuset!  I think it's my MIL's.  I have no idea where else it might have come from.  It was completely covered in dust and grime, which is strange given that I freshly lined all those shelves myself when we moved in a few years ago, and nothing else is grimy.  Someone must have come across it in the basement while we were moving in and stuck it in there.  What a neat surprise!  It's slightly smaller than my smallest Le Creuset skillet, I think about 9 inches, but a size I don't think is made anymore.  A couple weeks ago my MIL also gave me her 3.5 qt oval French oven (which is the same Flame color I have) so I'm really loving her right now!

I'm trying to get off the white hazy spots all over it...not sure what's up with that.  Anyway, it makes me want to break out the flashlight and go diving in even deeper into that cabinet!

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